Sunrise in Belo Horizonte. My school starts at 7 every morning, so I get to watch the sunrise Monday-Friday. It is gorgeous.

A Church in São João Del Rei

The 18th century train we took to Tiradentes

These old VW bugs are EVERYWHERE

Notice the cobblestone streets, old houses, and the church in the bottom right corner

These trees are filled with yellow blossoms and are absolutely gorgeous. I forgot the name of it...

Me, Fernanda, Livio. Classmates

more Classmates!

Most of the group who went to the Historical Cities.

There are a lot of them :-)

The train station

Classmates :-)

Me playing Futebol with the guys (really fun! but they are so much better than me its crazy!)

Love this one! Carina, Polly, Me and Jessica! Some of the coolest girls at school.

Ya! Kelvin, Fernanda, and Livio. some of the other coolest people at school.

haha :-)
I love you Hopey!
The pics are great :-)
Hey Hope this is your cousin David showing Grandma and Grandpa how to leave comments on your blog. Have fun in the southern hemisphere!!!
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